Let’s Get Personal

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You may have noticed there have been some gradual changes over this site in recent months. (I’ve yet to do a big unveiling and site tour, as there’s still a whole lot of tagging and categorizing to go before I deem my blog up to snuff.) Upon phone conferencing with my Web-savvy cousin this morning, he suggested I tackle a quite a few more major changes, like making this space more interactive and easier to navigate, possibly altering my colors a bit so they’re not so girly (while still keeping the whimsical feel) and adding a number of other features. (Have no fear: The content, heavy emphasis on photography and personal feel of the site will remain the same.)

This is mind boggling to someone with such little Web knowledge as this girl, but I trust my cuz with my life (or rather, my site, which is one and the same really). So, as means to be a better blogger—and to figure out who the heck all of you lovely people are (as I know there are many of you who read but don’t like to comment), so please! come out, come out, wherever you are!)—I’d love to hear more about you and what you want from me. If you’d kindly take some time to answer the questions below, I will forever be in your debt! And as a thanks for the effort, I’ll randomly pick (at least) one commenter on Friday to win a copy of my latest California guidebook.

Soooo…here we go!

What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?

Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?

What do you like most about this site?

What feature could you live without?

Photo Friday: a hit or miss?

Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?

What would you like to see more of?

Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!

  • June 28, 2010

    I am 36 and I live in Santa Fe, NM. I’m in an EMBA program and working part-time at a Montessori school.
    I am an armchair traveler, but I long to be more than that.
    I like just about everything about this site and wish you posted more often. 🙂 Sorry for the nag. It is a nice mix of travel and personal.
    I ignore the ads, so they don’t bother me. Can’t think of anything I don’t really like.
    Photo Friday is fun. You take great photos and go amazing places, so I enjoy it.
    I watch the videos on occasion. They aren’t my favorite. Hard to surf surreptitiously with sound.
    I’d occasionally love to see more price breakdown and source information. I know you have a lot of connections through your work, but where could a lay person find that great deal on X or the best place to eat in Y. And I’ll confess to still wanting an exhaustive tour through your wedding weekend and all of the details, too.
    What would you like to see more of?

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!

  • June 28, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    28, Female, Atlanta GA, Lawyer

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Armchair traveler for now…hope to be a globetrotter one day 🙂

    What do you like most about this site?
    The photos and personal stories about your travels.

    What feature could you live without?
    None that I can think of.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    A hit.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    Yes, I watch and enjoy them; I would like to see more.

    What would you like to see more of?
    I enjoy all the insights you bring into each destination and place you go; your personal stories make the places come alive. I suppose I’d just like to see even more photos and stories! I love the blog! 🙂

  • June 28, 2010

    Abby, age 29, San Franciscan, arts administrator.
    I travel vicariously, largely through you.
    I like the pretty, pretty pictures. But my favorite, honestly, is your “voice.”
    I don’t generally watch videos on anyone’s blog. It’s very, very rare that I click “play” on a video.
    Honestly, I’d like to see more about your wedding – even though it was about five minutes ago, and I know I’m totally jumping the gun and being a pain in the booty for asking!

  • June 28, 2010

    – I am 40, currently live in Austin, Texas and I am a stay at home mom.

    – I’ve lived in several big cities and have loved traveling my whole life. I live vicariously through travel blogs and love to plan family vacations to relatively nearby, but still exotic and wonderful. There aren’t any bad places to go, in my opinion as long as you have the right mindset.

    – Love your pictures! I can’t tell you how many times I click though and swoon! You go to magnificent places. So yes, please keep Photo Friday! : )

    – I have a hard time following the reasons for your travel to certain places and the timeline. Maybe it’s all written (I’m a skimmer – must admit) but it would be wonderful to see a map of places you’ve been, places you’d like to go, how long it took, the route you took, the total price of your trip, etc. I also love lists and would love to see your favorite hotels, favorite sunsets, favorite airlines (and airline meals – I’m sure you’ve had some pretty interesting things), favorite moments, places you’d love to revisit etc.

    – I don’t know that there’s a particular feature I would take out.

    – I would watch videos if they were instructional in some way and under two minutes, i.e. how to pack a suitcase, what to look for in luggage (and how keep footwear to a minimum), best travel camera gear, things like that.

  • June 28, 2010

    26, Female, Indianapolis, Photographer
    I feel like I’ve earned globe-trotter status, but my current situation is more armchair 🙂
    Photos and anecdotes 🙂
    Photo friday is a hit!
    I DO watch the videos, but shorter is better!
    I always want to see more photos!

  • June 28, 2010

    24, lady, consultant by day & banana republic cashier by night, Northern Virginia/Metro DC (by way of Fresno, the Bay Area, GA, and Luxembourg)

    ex-globetrotter (it’s all on my own dime now) but I travel as much as I can… dating a HUGE globetrotter (united premier… enough said…)

    love the photos and your California/southern thing – I can relate!

    love photo Friday and loved Kari’s around-the-world adventures

  • June 28, 2010

    34, Female, Minneapolis, Strategy (Marketing)
    Just one (small!) thing–any chance your redo could include a mechanical change that would allow the full post + pics to show up in Google Reader (unless you’ve chosen not to for “stealing” reasons)?

    Great, fun, site!

  • June 28, 2010

    24, Female, Salem OR, accounting clerk.
    Armchair traveler – although I have been to India and have the bug to travel.
    I love your pictures the most! It makes me feel like I’m where ever you are!
    Along with liking your pictures the most, Photo Friday is a favorite because I never know where you’ll be!
    Photo Friday: HIT!
    Video Content: I watch sometimes, but since I usually read through my Reader on my iPhone, I don’t watch all of them.
    I think I’m a visual person, so seeing pictures is always a plus!
    I have really enjoyed reading your blog for a while now and am always interested in where you’re going & what you’re seeing, so thanks for sharing!

  • June 28, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    Ottawa, Canada
    student, bank teller, eventual chartered accountant (Canada’s version of your CPA)

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    A bit of both. I traveled for four months on my own last summer, planning another big trip next year. In the meantime I read a lot of other people’s travel stories.

    What do you like most about this site?
    It’s a bit higher zoot than most travel blogs I follow. While there’s no way I can afford this stuff right now, it’s still interesting to see and dream about.

    What feature could you live without?
    I haven’t been following for a super long time… but I see some people above mentioned videos. I agree with that, I never load videos… not even on sites like Fail blog.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Hit. Fellow photog.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    See above.

    What would you like to see more of?
    This may be in your blog somewhere, but maybe more stories about your early travels and how you got to be where you are today.

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    Agree on the colours and general design. If it wasn’t for the “Tackling the Globe…” I would have doubted this was a travel blog.

    Overall, great blog though. 🙂

  • June 28, 2010
    Julia Lawrence

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    I’m (almost) 25, female, live in the Pacific Northwest, and manage federal research grants for a university.

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    I was a globetrotter before I bought a house and stopped leaving the country. I traveled a lot in college and have been a few fun places not everyone has been (Ecuador, Japan, Turkey), but haven’t been able to do it as much the past few years. So the past few years has found me doing some domestic travel (mostly to your neck of the woods, actually!), which has been fun, but I’m missing my Mediterranean summers, I’ll admit!

    What do you like most about this site?
    Funny travel stories, more in-depth information about your work (people you meet, places you go), and also the stuff about your own life in San Francisco

    What feature could you live without?
    I’m not a huge give-away person because it’s not why I read blogs, but I can understand the draw of why bloggers do them.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Hit, for the most part. Sometimes I’d like if Photo Fridays were more recent (like if you just got back from a big trip to showcase where you have recently been instead of some place you haven’t visited for a few years).

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I watch them all. I find them entertaining, especially tours of different hotel rooms!

    What would you like to see more of?
    Update on the wedding! Update on your new puppy! Update on when you’re buying a house! Also, maybe more updates of your professional features, like when you get an article published somewhere or what book you’ve been working on. That kind of thing.

  • June 28, 2010

    I’m a 26 year-old female living in Vermont. I’m a barista at Starbucks while I go back to school to get my masters in English.

    I love to travel- but don’t get to do a lot of it. I’ve been to Egypt, Israel, Spain, France and Canada. I’ve also done a 4-week x-country road trip where my friend and I mostly camped around the country. I seriously wished I could travel more.

    I don’t really stray from the main page.

    Photo Friday: Hit

    Video Content: I don’t watch them, but I don’t watch videos in general. (Only when I’m really interested will I actually hit play and un-mute my computer)

    I love pictures and reading about your trips– not so much of the “travel book” parts, but the “I went here and this was what happened” parts. I do, however, like to hear about how you pack and get through all the security in airports.

  • June 28, 2010

    I’m a 21 year old college student, pursuing a career in professional photography. I’m a fellow globetrotter and have been all over the US, Europe, Australia, Canada, and Southern Africa. I love your antidotes and reading about your trips…seems to calm my travel bug just a bit since I can’t travel too much at the moment. I love your site and think there is an equal balance of stories, photography and videos. Surprisingly, I do watch most of the videos you post, which is pretty unusual for me! 🙂 As a few others have said, I’d like a little more personal touch to the website, but as it’s mainly a travel site, I can see why you would stay away from your personal life. Maybe you should start a second blog, ha!

  • June 28, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    24, Female, Vancouver Island, Internet Marketing for Audi/Porsche/VW dealership

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Past globetrotter (Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Russia, sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti on double-masted schooner); armchair traveller while saving more $$

    What do you like most about this site?
    Love your writing style & consistency of content/posts. Enjoyed your sister’s guest posts. (also, love your banner. When I first discovered your blog, that’s what kept me looking long enough to be hooked)

    What feature could you live without?
    Hmmm…. can’t think of anything off the top of my head.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    LOVE! Makes me ache with jealousy.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    Video card at work & home won’t play. So, don’t make a big difference to this lady.

    What would you like to see more of?
    Guest posts are always awesome, and a fun way to discover a new person to get hooked on 🙂

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    Thanks for sharing your stories with the internets.

  • June 28, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    36, Hong Kong (originally from Melbourne, Aus), University prof
    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    What do you like most about this site?
    Reading about your travel adventures
    What feature could you live without?
    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    Iwatch them, not my favourite, I’d rather words and photos.
    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    Thank you for what you do, this is one of my favourite blogs.

  • June 28, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    I’m 26, in Ottawa, Ontario (I see another Ottawan up there, how exciting!), and I’m a social researcher.

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    A bit of both! I don’t feel like I can call myself a globetrotter, exactly, but I think I probably travel a little more than the average person I know.

    What do you like most about this site?
    I love the personal stories about life as a travel writer.

    What feature could you live without?
    I can’t think of a single thing.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    It’s great!

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I totally watch them. I don’t think you post too many or too few.

    What would you like to see more of?
    I agree with the person above who said that it would be nice if you linked to your published work if/when it’s available. I also enjoy hearing about your life when your not traveling (wedding, for example!).

  • June 28, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    39, Female, currently in Buenos Aires but from London, UK, Nanny (or at least I was…)

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Globetrotter – currently in the middle of second RTW trip (hoping to make the money last for 21 months away).

    What do you like most about this site?
    The mix of travel and personal, particularly stories about San Francisco/California, am a Bay Area resident in spirit if not reality! You travel waaay above my budget but I enjoy the fantasy…

    What feature could you live without?
    Don’t love the ads but feel the same way about all blogs and understand why they’re there!

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Hit although I prefer the words to be honest.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    Rarely watch them – on any site.

    What would you like to see more of?
    Second/third request for links to published work (I like the way you write) and just more content really – I’m greedy!!

  • June 28, 2010

    I’m a 26 year-old female from Mansfield, Ohio. I’m accountant for the DoD.

    For now I am an armchair traveler, but I aspire to be a globetrotter.

    My favorite part of this site has to be the photos. I love seeing other places through your camera lens. I also enjoyed the guests posts from your sister.

    I could live without the videos. I read through Google Reader and rarely ever click on videos from any of the blogs I subscribe too. I use a reader to speed up the processing of visiting all the blogs I enjoy – taking time to watch a video seems counter-intuitive 🙂

    I do enjoy Photo Friday, but I have trouble figuring out if these are places you currently are, places you just got back from, or places you visited years ago and just pulled out so that you’d have something to post of Friday.

    I would like to see more photos of your everyday life – what you do, where to go, etc. I would also like to see “lists” – places to go, places not to bother with, cheapest vacations, best hotels, airlines, restaurants, etc.

    I love your writing style and your sense of humor! I feel like I’ve gotten the chance to know you without having ever met you.

  • June 28, 2010

    I’m a nearly 26, female, Seattleite, working the-not-so-much 9-5 as a nanny. I LOVE to travel! I love your site because you tell a great story and your photos are gorgeous. I wouldn’t so much change anything about your site, but I liked it when you had your Twitter feed on the side. Keep Photo Friday (I love it) and more videos would be great. Other than that — Don’t stop blogging, I look forward to your posts all week, and to be completely honest – your blog is so much better than all the others I have encountered!

  • June 28, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    32, Female, Ballarat (Vic, Australia), Medical Librarian

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Globetrotter definitely!!

    What do you like most about this site?
    All of it, the photos, the stories, the ability to be an armchair traveler while at work and satisfy my globetrotting addiction!

    What feature could you live without?
    All good!

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Hit! Although it would be nice to know when you were there to give it some perspective.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?

    What would you like to see more of?
    More about you and SVV and your life in San Fran (when you are there of course!) 🙂

  • June 28, 2010

    Female, 28, Denver, CO

    Frequent traveler/aspiring globetrotter

    Love Photo Friday (my list of must see places has quadrupled since discovering your site)

    I bookmark and return to your site regularly because I love the mix of travel pieces and personal stories. You’re a thoughtful writer who shares personal experiences and opinions in an entertaining way while managing to appeal to readers from all walks of life (and corners of the globe, it appears) – no easy feat! Keep up the great work.

  • June 28, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    33, female. I work for the Department of Treasury.

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    More like a wannabe globetrotter. I didn’t travel overseas until I was almost 30, and now wish I had done more when I was in college/younger!

    What do you like most about this site?
    I love the photos with the personal details of different places. It doesn’t sound like a boring travel guide, its more like one of my friends talking about a trip they’ve taken.

    What feature could you live without?
    Can’t think of any.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I’d like more, I enjoy them, especially if its some unusual activity.

    What would you like to see more of?
    Maybe a little more of either deals or how a more pedestrian traveler could get started.

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    Love the site!

  • June 28, 2010

    1) 30. Female. Pennsylvania, USA. Project Manager.
    2) An armchair globetrotter. I’m starting a phase of business travel that has taken me to places I’ve only dreamed of going.
    3) The photos and unique destinations.
    4) Nothing jumps out.
    5) Definite hit.
    6) Not a big fan, but depends on the subject. I would’ve loved to see a video jump off the Tower in China.
    7) Maybe how to see a city in 24 hours?
    8) Just keep doing what you do. But I also have to agree with the web redesign. It’s a good move to take now.

  • June 28, 2010

    Instead of being
    38, female, massachusetts…with an eclectic career that kind of revolves around civil engineering. Sorta.

    Some years, I’m a globetrotter. Other years? I have to take it easy.
    The thing I like most about the site is your specific perspective on travel.
    I know your site has links to things (planning, contests, etc.) Those things don’t annoy me, but I don’t ever think to check them out when planning a trip. So I could live without them.

    Photo Friday: LOVE. IT.
    Video Content: In general, I skip video content on most blogs I read*. Corporate-sponsored videos I’ve seen (Momversation, for example, and BlogHer’s/Macy’s fashion series) are annoying and too heavy on silly opinions about silly things. That said, I do love a good “how-to” video.

    *For what it’s worth, I regularly read about 2 or 3 dozen, but have 200+ on my blogroll and check them out with some frequency.

    More of…? I guess I’d be interested to see more of your writing, even if it starts to branch out of travel writing. (I loved some of your recent interviews…ones with the guy who wrote “Do Travel Writers Go to Hell” and Rin on the Rox both come to mind. Your fashion sense is awesome – I’d be interested in maybe reading about where you bought stuff, what made you choose it, or…um? (I’m sure that’s helpful.) It seems like you’ve collected cool clothes and accessories on your travels, if your Flickr “My Working Closet” entries are any indication. I bet there are some stories behind the accessories…!!!

    Less of…I can’t think of anything I’d prefer to see less of. Videos, contests, and links are things I tend to ignore most of the time. But it’s not like I’d stop reading if you posted those things. I’d just skip ’em. 🙂

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated

  • June 28, 2010

    28 yr old, Austin, TX. Fellow Globetrotter. Avg of 3 or 4 weeks of travel a year, typically international.
    I love photo friday. I really enjoy all the pictures on your site, especially the ones that accompany stories of the people you meet (like the kids in Africa, that was a FANTASTIC post).
    I watch the videos if you are in them. If it is a video of something else, I tend to pass. Oddly I think I’ve watched the ones of you because they seem sort of rare.

  • June 28, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    36, female, northern VA outside DC although I’m a born and bred CA girl, Corporate Finance Manager

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    I would love to be a globetrotter, but I fit better into the armchair traveler category (I travel about 4 times a year).

    What do you like most about this site
    I have been developing a travel related blog myself and look to your site for guidance and inspiration (www.beachesandbananas.com if you have any feedback on the test site…). I like your voice, the perspective of the photography and the variety of destinations.

    What feature could you live without?

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Depends on the topic

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I very rarely watch videos on any site

    What would you like to see more of?
    Tips on traveling and lists. Giveaways to higher end places (Hyatt was a good one, the hotel chain by the airports, not so appealing). More posts per week!

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    I like the posts that are more personal, rather than factual like a guide book. I think YOU as a topic can be as or more interesting as the places you go. I think others would agree based on how many people can’t wait to hear all about your wedding.

  • June 28, 2010

    29 Female Alabama
    Somewhere in between a globetrotter & armchair traveler
    I enjoy how your personality comes out through your writing & also the gorgeous photos.
    Can’t think of anything that I dislike.
    Photo Friday- Hit
    I like videos as long as they are not too lengthy.
    Really enjoy the site, it always gives me new places to add to my list. Thanks for sharing your travels with us.

  • June 28, 2010

    I am a 43 female. House location: Tullahoma:) Life location: Where the job lands me! I am the do-er of everything office for a golf course irrigation company.
    I am a fellow trotter but not of the globe:( Work carries me from jobsite to jobsite, mainly in the southeast but currently in Cali.
    I love living vicariously through your travels! Your photos are always amazing. And I thoroughly enjoy videos. Especially loved the great white one!
    I enjoy the fact that you are just a normal girl, living your dream. Thanks for the chance to ride along!

  • June 28, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    31 female, in the world, lawyer turned globe trotter hopefully working on becoming a professional writer

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?

    What do you like most about this site?
    You! Really, though, I like the mix of travel and personal. It keeps it fun.

    What feature could you live without?
    This is just me but I wish you did longer RSS feed summaries . . . either 3 or 4 paragraphs and then a link over to your site or the full content. The super short summaries drive me kind of crazy because I don’t get enough information to know whether I want to click over to read the whole article.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    Sometimes, sometimes not, depending on the topic.

    What would you like to see more of?
    I don’t have a good answer to this one but it might be fun if you could do a couple of posts on the “real” day-in-the-life-of a travel writer. I don’t want to become a travel writer but it’s an interesting profession and one that I would be interested in reading more about.

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    Kristen, keep up the great work! Love your site. 🙂

  • June 28, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    28, female, San Diego, Nurse

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?

    What do you like most about this site?
    The stories of your experiences and the photos

    What feature could you live without?

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    More please

    What would you like to see more of?
    More posts, pics and videos

  • June 28, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    19, female, Keller, TX, college student

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?

    What do you like most about this site?
    the diversity, how every post is random, how you will respond to comments, how personal it is.

    What feature could you live without?
    Can’t really complain about anything

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    definite hit

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I usually watch them if I am not reading your blog during class… haha I think keeping them pretty random suffices.

    What would you like to see more of?
    I love what you’re doing already! I would love to see more about the Semester at Sea, but I know you said that is definitely coming. I really like how you give advice to people about each place, what to do, what not to do. Your blog is definitely one of my favorites!

  • June 28, 2010

    Darst I say I’m 56. Female and glad. Currently a Park Ranger at Grand Canyon’s North Rim. The best job in the world.

    I love and live to travel, just about anywhere and have a very long list of places to go and things to see. I’ll have to live to 200 to even get close.

    I love your style, of writing, traveling and living.

    I don’t pay any attention to the ads, so does it matter.

    I enjoy all your photos no matter what day of the week.

    I like to watch your short videos, when I’m on DSL during the summer, but sorry, can’t and won’t even try when on dialup.

    Frequency, and the wedding damn it.

    Keep up the great work. I love to follow your life and travels. I once thought I wanted to be a travel writer, but…..it would have to be on my terms and I don’t suppose too many would want to hire me with that attitude.

  • June 28, 2010

    Because I never like ending on a down note, I’m going to give you my feedback before answering your questions, starting with the only two things I don’t like…but I really, really don’t like them.

    I know you’ve heard this before from others who feel the same, but I hate having to click through from my feed reader to read your blog. I hate it enough that I often just will not click through. You can count the people who subscribe through Blogger, Google and other readers, then add them to your stats. If it’s a matter of ads, then post ads in the reader like many other blogs. This is a major, major aggravation.

    A minor one, but still worth noting, is having the comment box at the bottom of the comments instead of the top or side. I sometimes don’t have the time to read other comments and just want to post mine quick and go. Please don’t make me scroll to the bottom, that shouldn’t be a huge deal to change.

    Except for those two things, though I subscribe to soooo many blogs, this is one of the few websites I keep pretty much up to date with. I love your writing and photography. I love your content. You have a fabulous blog and I wish you all good things with it, including being able to work with your new hubby so you don’t have to spend too much time apart. Congratulations and best wishes on your new marriage, as well. Also, I hope your new guidebook is an enormous success.

    Now, for the questions.

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    I’m a 57 year old woman who is currently between permanent locations. Probably Las Vegas would be most accurate. I’m self-employed in property and investments.

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Both. I’m traveling quite a bit to places I’m not particularly interested in and I’m armchair traveling to the places I hope to be able to soon see.

    What do you like most about this site?
    That’s kind of hard to articulate. You just have a very interesting, informative, yet personal way of writing. You give us the info we need about places and add your personal experience. Of course, the great photos are a big plus too. It all sums up to a wonderful travel site.

    What feature could you live without?
    None. I’m regularly clicking through, and it takes a LOT to get me to do that. There are only 3 sites, out of the hundreds I subscribe to, that I’m willing to do that for. And you’re one of them.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Big hit. I love looking at your photos of places, even the ones I have no intention of visiting.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I have to admit that I don’t watch a lot of videos, but please don’t take any notice of that. It’s not just yours, I just don’t have a good enough computer/connection combination to watch videos. So I rarely do.

    What would you like to see more of?
    Whatever you want to put up here. Your judgment has been spot on so far.

    Keep up the good work. And good luck!

  • June 28, 2010

    Hi, I’m Laura, I’m 30 from Vancouver. I’m currently unemployed (for the THIRD TIME in 2.5 years, thanks economy!) but I have thrown in the towel on job searching and I’m becoming a self-employed financial advisor. My licensing course starts next Monday. I have travelled somewhat… to Australia, Western Europe and the west coast of the USA, but I haven’t the resources yet to travel as often as I’d like. So ever since getting back from my backpacking trip in 2008, I’ve been an armchair traveller. Your site helps me plenty in that regard. My favourite thing about this site is that you have tons of photos, you make me feel like I’m there with you, and you let your personality into the site. And I like the off-topic posts too. I like Photo Friday. I can’t think of any features you have that I don’t like, but honestly when I think of features on this site the only ones that come to mind are Anchors Away and Photo Friday (other than regular blog content anyway!). I sometimes watch your videos, sometimes I don’t… that’s the way I am with most blogs though, it largely depends on how much time I have for reading blogs that day and how interesting the topic is to me. My favourites are when you post videos of your adrenaline adventures!

    Other feedback: At some point I will die if you don’t post about your wedding. That is all.

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    Hallo, I’m Kristina, 29, currently living in Bern (Switzerland), but originally from Frankfurt, Germany. I am a Retail Manager at an international sporting good company, responsible for implementation of all sort of projects in our group.

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    I love nothing more than travelling. I have lived in California and Singapore. Asia is my love. Need to go back there at least once a year. Currently I am in love with the countries of 1000 and 1 night, e.g. Turkey, Marocco etc.

    What do you like most about this site?
    Inspiration for further travels. The photography. Share a part of your life.

    What feature could you live without?
    Nothing really bugs me 🙂 I can live without videos and contests though.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Hit, love you pictures.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    No, I rarely watch any videos on blogs, only if I am really interested.

    What would you like to see more of?
    Tips and Tricks for certain destinations. Of the beaten track tips. and more of your beautiful pictures for sure.

    And an easier way to follow you on a daily basis… 🙂

    Viele Grüsse, Kristina

  • June 29, 2010

    1. What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    I’m a 26 year old female. I’m from Louisville, Kentucky but I’ve been living in Madrid, Spain for the last two years (moving back to KY at the end of the summer though).

    2. Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Globetrotter. I just got back from a trip to Morocco and now I’m heading to Norway and Denmark to work on a couple farms..

    3. What do you like most about this site?
    I like reading about your various adventures and dreaming of one day going to the places you’ve gone. I really want to go to Rwanda now to see the gorillas.

    4. What feature could you live without?
    There’s nothing that comes to mind.

    5. Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    A hit. There are always interesting posts even when they’re not about travel. Plus, I know that there will always be a post then so I can look forward to it every week.

    6. Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    It depends on the video. If it’s more than a couple minutes I don’t usually watch it. If they’re relatively short then I watch them. I like them because they allow us (the readers) to get a more ‘in-person’ view of you.

    7. What would you like to see more of?
    I’d like to see more posts. I check your website every day and it’s always exciting when something’s been posted, whether it’s from you, your husband or your sister.

    8. Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    I really enjoy reading your website. It gives me an idea of places I would have never thought to visit.

    I have a quick question for you. Do you know of any good multi-day hikes in Norway (anywhere around Trondheim or further south)? If you have any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

  • June 29, 2010

    -28, Female, Israel, travel organizer.
    -Fellow traveler, although having 2 kids under 3 has put a crimp in our exotic travel.
    -I love your writing, gorgeous photographs, and the way your personality and opinions come through clearly. I enjoy the reviews of different places you’ve been.
    -Photo Friday: a hit!
    -Video Content: Only watched once. Not a huge video fan, I like to be able to stop and start reading a post as needed (see: 2 kids under 3)
    -Liked your sister’s travelogue- what about featuring other frequent travelers?

    Good luck with the redesign! And if you ever get back to Israel with more than 2 minutes to spare, I’ll show you around.

  • June 29, 2010

    1.What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    Hi, I’m Erin, a 25 year old female art historian in Philadelphia.
    2. Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    I would say I’m a limited globetrotter (seen most of North America and France) who is still trying to figure out how to travel more without giving up the ability to eat.
    3.What do you like most about this site?
    Two things. One, you have been so many places that you have lots of trips and stories stockpiled and I never know what you will post about next. And two, I feel like have gotten to know you well enough through this blog that I almost referred to you as my friend Kristin in conversation once.
    3. What feature could you live without?
    I’m quite happy with it all.
    4.Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Definitely a hit. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, you always post on Fridays!
    5. Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I have watched one or two videos. I don’t know that they are crucial but I certainly don’t think they need to go.
    6. What would you like to see more of?
    Maybe a map to show the places you’ve been and those you are working on getting to. And maybe a way to get info about particular destinations for those interested in visiting them.

    I really love reading your blog. After almost two years, it is a part of my week that I always look forward to!

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    31, female, English but I live in Nice and work in Monaco as a technical assistant

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Fellow globetrotter, I love to travel!

    What do you like most about this site?
    I love reading about your travels, the photos, the snippets of life in San Francisco and all the little white dogs! :0)

    What feature could you live without?
    Nothing I can think of

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Hit with me!

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    Yep, I usually watch them all. I really like them because we hear your personal commentary about your trips

    What would you like to see more of?
    More posts generally I guess (I’m greedy!) and some more guest posts from Kari and SVV

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    I love the photo heavy content, and the travel stories. I also really enjoy the more ‘mundane’ life at home stuff and I love the posts about your family in the South!

  • June 29, 2010

    – What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    Hey there, I’m Sharon, 31, Female, from Tel Aviv, Israel, working for a software company.
    – Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Seems I work only so I can sponsor my trips.. so yes, definitely a traveler!
    – What do you like most about this site?
    The pictures, and the stories they tell. I like the personal touch too, the fact it’s not all dry info..
    – What feature could you live without?
    mm.. nothing specific.
    – Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Hit! It’s like surprises.
    – Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I don’t watch them.
    – What would you like to see more of?
    It would be great if the destinations section covered all the archives.. seems like it doesn’t, right? Maybe allow a look up by country or something like that. Useful when traveling, if you want to find all posts about a certain place and maybe get some ideas.
    – Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    I actually love the girly colors. What’s wrong with girly? we are girls, hear us purr 🙂

  • June 29, 2010

    I am 59 year old female who lives in southwest Ohio. My profession is pharmacy. While I no longer have an employer, I feel obligated to give lots of free advice and correct wrong assumptions about medications.

    My globetrotting has been on cruises with excursions. Most of my travel has been road trips to national parks, state parks and visits to out-of-state relatives. Armchair travel fuels the imagination all year long.

    I enjoy your writing style most of all. I like your conversational tone and feel you are sharing information and sharing your favorite travel pictures. Your writing style inspires me to become a better writer.

    Photo Friday is a hit. Sometimes a photo is just the thing to say, “This is what I’m talking about!”

    I do watch the videos and enjoy them, but not as much as I enjoy your photos.

    I would like to see more dates (maybe just month or year) included in posts that I suspect may not be current times. I don’t think it would take away from the feeling of immediacy of the post because what traveler doesn’t have stories that start, “Reminds me of the time….”

    I enjoy your blog and promote it on my own.

  • June 29, 2010

    I want to add that I enjoy reading the comments left by your readers. I read through all of them.

  • June 29, 2010

    29/F/NJ-NC/Graphic Designer


    I enjoy your writing style. Also, love the photos.

    What feature could you live without? Not sure… I say keep them all!

    Photo Friday: a hit

    Video Content: Sometimes I will hit play but not watch the whole thing. It really depends on what it is of and how long the video is. For example, I think I watched the whole videos from the dog sled and the ball/hill thing in New Zealand. And then I decided that those are things I need to do 🙂

    Love the little anecdotes. I would be happy to see more brief stories about interactions with locals, or customs that we may not know about. Or just little entertaining stories about how you come up with where to go next.

    Any other feedback: I think twice now, since I’ve been reading this blog, I’ve been teased with this story of how you helped sneak some people across a border on a train… will I ever hear what actually happened?! I also enjoy hearing your comments about the different travel resources that are out there (couch surfing, discount sites, etc), and I would be interested to hear more on that. As far as the site goes, no comments from me– I think your designer does a great job!

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    I am a 21 year old female, from a small town in Western New York. I am a full-time student studying to eventually work in college administration, part-time salesperson for a major electronics chain.
    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Armchair traveler. I am broke (as most college students are) and have not been able to financially justify a trip until I graduate!
    What do you like most about this site?
    I love all the beautiful photographs and the way you write. You have a fantastic story-telling voice in your writing.
    What feature could you live without?
    None. I love everything!
    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Giant hit! One of my favorite things…I get excited every Friday because I know it’s picture time 🙂
    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I usually do actually. Yours are always quite interesting and entertaining 🙂
    What would you like to see more of?
    I would like to see some more guest posts actually from regular people. Your sister did a great job and it was really interesting to get a different perspective. I also enjoy your hubbie’s posts! I don’t want to see less of your posting though haha 🙂
    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    I think this blog is absolutely fantastic. You give me the opportunity to travel while sitting in a dorm room during a blizzard. I can dream about the places I will go when I have money to spend. Thank you for giving someone like me the ability to see places I only dream about 🙂

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    Hey Kristin! i’m a 26 year old female, Philly represent. I’m a conference producer (internet marketing) & write an environmental blog on the side.
    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    armchair traveler… i wish i could globetrott asap.
    What do you like most about this site?
    as many of the other commenters mentioned, i love your story-telling plus pictures. your writing voice seems more like a ‘friend’ rather than anonymous blogger.
    What feature could you live without?
    i love your posts, but it’s difficult to get through to older posts on your site. Perhaps having the ‘sneak peek’ 1-2 pics plus “click through’ to continue would be helpful once the posts are more than a few days old?
    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    i occasionally watch & enjoy them.
    What would you like to see more of?
    Perhaps advice on how to do (cities/places) cheaply/where to look for deals when traveling. Similar to some of the other commenters, its’ difficult to find $/time to travel.
    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    Keep up the great work! I love reading your blog! One suggestion – It looks like you’re trying to tackle how to organize by places, but that’s huge (esp if i’m thinking of a future trip!) Maybe have tabs by continent?

  • June 29, 2010

    Correction: by the way, i JUST saw your tab of ‘destinations’ and the drop down. haha!

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    34, Female, rural CT, Art Gallery Director

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Armchair traveler for now…trying to branch out.

    What do you like most about this site?
    The photos and personal stories – I also love when you mention your camera equipment and when you use which lenses, etc. (Learning to use my DSLR, seeing how other people use theirs is always helpful.)

    What feature could you live without?
    None that I can think of.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    A hit. I don’t always have the time to read the full stories on Fridays so the pictures are a great, quick peek.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    Yes, I watch and I love them them; I would like to see more.

    What would you like to see more of?
    How about “how to be a brave globetrotter and feel at home wherever you go”. I’m a bit scared to travel outside of the US and would love to hear some scaredycat tips for traveling and not feeling the urge to apologize the whole time, assuming that everyone thinks I’m an awful American. You know, something like that. 🙂

  • June 29, 2010

    1. 32, Female, Blacksburg VA, we’ll go with ‘technology’.
    2. I wouldn’t say globetrotter but I have 2 passport stamps and plans for many more. I’ve traveled all over the US and plan to continue that as well. (Baby/Funding may put a hampering on this – but we plan for an international trip at least once every 5 years!)
    3. Opening my eyes to all the awesome places around the world that should be on my ‘must see’ list! And of course the personality in which it’s shared. We are adventurous folks – so your adventures are pretty much the same things we’d want to experience.
    4. The photos. Love the personal touch (real life) mixed with travel. We get a real sense of you and not just ‘cool places around the world’.
    5. Love Photo Friday
    6. Watch them as long as they aren’t TOO long.
    7. I know you incorporate this in your posts but tips for traveling. How to avoid scams. “3 day iterneraries” that semi-locals could take advantage of. ”stay on budget’. Stuff that other than reading we could take and use to create our own trips 🙂 Just an idea.
    8. love love love your blog. My hubby laughs when I talk about bloggers like I know them 🙂 our next destination is san fran/wine country (aiming for fall 2011) and hope you happen to be ‘home’ so we can have coffee!

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    – 26 Female, Dallas Texas. I work in business consulting which affords me the opportunity to discreetly blog-stalk 🙂

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    – Halvsies. I always wish I could travel more, of course! I’m headed to Africa in about two weeks.

    What do you like most about this site?
    – Oh gosh, everything! I love your perspective and your wit. Your writing style is very personal; I feel like we’re sitting at a coffee shop and you’re sharing your adventures over a latte!

    What feature could you live without?
    – I got nothing…

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    – HIT! You and SVV take great pictures! And they speak volumes of the places you’ve gone and the things you’ve seen and experienced.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    – Sometimes. It’s hard to be as discreet at work with videos 🙂

    What would you like to see more of?
    – I know I’m selfish and needy, but more posts! I always get super-excited when there are new posts. I love your mix of everyday life, family, adventures, quips, etc. And more of SVV/ Wedding even though it was so recent 🙂

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    – I think everything is fabulous! I love your blog and your life – your attitude and spunk and your knack for adventure. I talk about you like we’re besties to all of my friends (I don’t even have to say “the girl that I blogstalk” with your name now!) Even when things don’t go as planned, you make lemonade as quickly as you can while keeping your cool and I love that!

  • June 29, 2010

    28 (for a few more months), female, Michigan, analyst.
    have some globetrotting under my belt but mostly armchair now (pesky vacation day limits)
    the stories and pictures are great, the writing really makes it
    love Photo Friday, such a great glimpse of your world
    if I’m at home I’ll watch the videos otherwise I skip them (that pesky work thing again)
    one of my top sites so I say more of the same 🙂

  • June 29, 2010

    I started to read the other responses so that I wouldn’t repeat, but there were a lot 🙂
    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession? I am a 31 year old female. I’m working as a receptionist as I finish my degree in accounting.
    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler? I’ve traveled quite a bit, but am currently armchair traveler as I save money for school.
    What do you like most about this site? I like your style of writing and getting to read about all of the places you visit. You visit so many places that I wouldn’t have thought to and make me dream of going too.
    What feature could you live without? Can’t really think of anything.
    Photo Friday: a hit or miss? I don’t know why I usually skip this, because I love pictures. I think I skip a lot of things on Friday though.
    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all? I never click on videos because of my work computer’s speakers. Boo.
    What would you like to see more of? Have you ever thought about doing one of the world cruises? That is on my bucket list. Also, I’d like to hear more about some of the stranger food you try or delicious food too.
    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated! I wish I could read your entire blog through my Google Reader.

  • June 29, 2010

    22, female, DC, and currently a cashier at the American History Museum.
    I travel as much as possible and hope to very soon be more of a globetrotter.
    I love your pictures and your stories.
    I like pretty much all of your content.
    Photo Friday is definitely a hit.
    I sometimes watch videos – depends on my mood, and the video. I follow a lot of blogs so I only watch videos if the subject matter is really compelling.
    It would be cool to see your perspective on places closer to home.
    My other comment would be that I really love your blog!

  • June 29, 2010

    -What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    I’m a 25 year old married female living in North Carolina. I work for a hospital doing entry level computer support (resetting passwords and fixing printers, and being the dumping ground for all angry doctors, etc).
    -Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Armchair traveler, living through you vicariously mostly 🙂 I have a few places I would love to visit, but wouldn’t be able to be away from home to be a globetrotter.
    -What do you like most about this site?
    Your life is just fun and interesting and so much different from mine. Don’t get me wrong, I love my life. But it’s nice to have a window into someone else’s.
    -What feature could you live without?
    There isn’t really anything I don’t like at all.
    -Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Total hit.
    -Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I try and watch them but since I work from home using a headset answering customer calls I really have to pause them a lot. I don’t have my own non-work PC, so I usually don’t get back on the internet after I’m done working for the day. Keep hosting them through Flickr though, a lot of the other hosting sites are blocked…but Flickr isn’t!
    -What would you like to see more of?
    More stories!

  • June 29, 2010

    35, female, Boston, MA, executive assistant/bartender
    Armchair traveler
    What do you like most about this site? Beautiful photos, great travel info (because I’m going SOMEWHERE soon, dammit), you and your stories
    What feature could you live without? Nothing comes to mind.
    Photo Friday: Hit
    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Must confess, don’t often watch video because I am often reading at work
    What would you like to see more of? Not sure – very happy with what you are putting out already.

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    25/ female/ Boston/ Editorial Assistant

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    a little of both! love travelling, and have travelled quite a bit more than average, i would say, but don’t have the time or money to travel as frequently as i would like

    What do you like most about this site?
    your hilarious commentary, great recommendations/ suggestions, beautiful pictures. hell, if i can’t always travel, at least someone’s out there doing it

    What feature could you live without?
    don’t really do much with your blog besides read the posts, so nothing i can really think of. have also searched by destination to see if you have suggestions on locations that i’ve travelled to, which was useful

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    hit! love this.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    sometimes. often don’t have time, but they’re fun things to see

    What would you like to see more of?
    obviously could always use more pictures 🙂 also, i often find myself wondering how the heck one would go about finding reliable, cheap travel options (tours, packages, etc), so perhaps some of those sorts of suggestions/ posts every once in a while? with the internet, there is such a huge influx of options that it can be a bit overwhelming, so perhaps you could share your sage advice on how you find good companies. or maybe this is already buried in your website and i just haven’t noticed/ found it yet. if so, please disregard!

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    love the blog! your posts crack me up.

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    31. Female. DC. HR Manager

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Fellow globetrotter, intntl travel is my favorite thing in life, obviously haven’t done nearly as much as you have!
    What do you like most about this site?
    Wedding stuff as recently got married; insight into SF, my fave city, and obviously your travels and pictures.
    What feature could you live without?
    can’t think of one
    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    like it
    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    indifferent as i’m usually at work so don’t watch them
    What would you like to see more of?
    just more of same, pics, trips, personal life stuff.

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession? I’m 27, Female, currently live in Baltimore (but temporary! I belong in Seattle!), and I am a museum professional.

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler? I’ve travelled, but lately have switched to armchair traveler.

    What do you like most about this site? Funny posts. That’s what sucks me in, it’s a break from boring life.

    What feature could you live without? Really really long posts. I hate to admit it, and I really do enjoy your writing, but with hundreds of other blogs and magazines to read, anything that requires me to scroll down a few times loses my attention.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss? I enjoy it, especially when there are a lot of photos.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? I do watch them, but I also subscribe to a lot of video content on other websites – I come here for photos and your musings, primarily. Can you tell that I’m an internet junkie?

    What would you like to see more of? I really enjoy your stories, whether reminiscing or something that happened yesterday. Also travel tips, or ideas on how to make travel a priority (for those of us who don’t work in the industry). I really enjoyed your posts about what it’s REALLY like to be a travel writer – maybe a guest post or two from other people who travel for work, whether for writing guide books, or journalists, or photographers. Or travel photo tips. But I want to say – your blog is wonderful as it is and I will keep coming back.

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    31, Female, NYC, Accountant

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Globetrotter to the greatest extent possible with 15 vacation days per year. I have traveled to 25+ countries, however.

    What do you like most about this site?
    Your photos and your voice. I almost feel like I know you in person although we’ve never met. I discovered that we do have a mutual friend, though- Valaer M- when I was talking about how much I enjoy your blog. 🙂

    What feature could you live without?
    None that I can think of.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    A hit.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I don’t usually watch the videos, but if you took videos while diving in Malaysia, I’d love to see them!

    What would you like to see more of?
    Nothing in particular- I enjoy the personalized story telling to be found here (as opposed to travel “best lists” and advice.)

  • June 29, 2010

    – I’m a 30 year old lady. I’m also a Project Manager for a software development firm.
    – I’ve been a globetrotter since birth! If my passport sits still too long, it gets bed sores.
    – I love your honesty. I love the way that you don’t mince words when it comes to bad service, or good service, or things you find beautiful or negative about an experience abroad.
    – I love Photo Friday, though selfishly I wish it focused more on the trips you’ve just taken (because I like instant gratification!).
    – I like the videos a lot. I love, love, love to take photos and when I’m traveling it’s rare to find me without a camera glued to my eyeball. But I never, ever think to take video. So, I love to see the ones you take, it puts the places you’ve been in a more “real” context.

    I love this site. I would like to see more updates and more photos from your recent trips. Also packing tips (you have the cutest sense of style and always look great, whereas I resort to gross utilitarian things most of the time). I feel selfish writing this out, since I really appreciate you sharing bits of your life with internet strangers! I also really love the peeks behind the curtain at the life of a travel writer (stripping off the glamor, if you will).

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    28; Lady :); Dallas, TX; Family Therapist

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    I am a globetrotter when I can afford it. The rest of the time, I armchair travel via your blog and travel books/memoirs (Almost French, Notes from a Small Island, Eat, Pray, Love, and the like)

    What do you like most about this site?
    The variety. I like your “voice,” too, like an earlier commenter posted, but my very favorite is that it isn’t just another blog about everything to see in Paris or London. I like that you write about visiting South Africa, Tennessee, and even near where you live in NoCal.

    What feature could you live without?
    I don’t think I’d take any one part out of the website.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I don’t watch them, and I don’t think I would even if there were more. Just don’t have the time.

    What would you like to see more of?
    Updated FAQs and more chronologically organized archives…what trips have you taken when?

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    This site deserves the good things headed its way. It is a fun, vibrant, fascinating account of your travels. Thank you for sharing it!

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    41, F, Arizona, I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Unfortunately, armchair variety.

    What do you like most about this site?
    The photos, and your words.

    What feature could you live without?

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I watch them. I make videos from my motorcycle and helicopter flights, it’s been my experience that videos under 3 minutes are good to hold someones attention, but there are exceptions and sometimes longer videos are ok too.

    What would you like to see more of?
    IDK. I have referenced your “how to pack” blog more than once.

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    I’ve enjoyed your site, and the occasional words from SVV.
    I would suggest you change your blog to earthy colors to kind-of go along with the world travel theme. I’d stay natural, my own site is black and I hear hard for some people to read.

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    28, F, Connecticut, Advertising Account Exec

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    I’ve done some globetrotting but now I’m more of an armchair traveler

    What do you like most about this site?
    I like the mix of personal and travel stories.

    What feature could you live without?
    Can’t think of any

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Love it. HIT!

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I watch most of them. I like them because it gives the story another (more real) dimension
    What would you like to see more of?
    More about your running (only because I’m a runner)

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    I’m a (newly!) 28-year-old female living in Portland, Oregon. I’m Corporate Office Manager for a eco-friendly company that I love, and I get the pleasure (and curse) of booking endless travel for our execs to South America, Europe, and Asia.

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    I would very much like to consider myself a globetrotter, though I don’t get to do it as often as you do. This year I was able to trot on over to Beijing and South America, though, and I’ve been to Russia, Mexico, Hawaii and Canada, as well as numerous states in our fair U.S. of A. I’m currently planning a trip to New Zealand for next year!

    What do you like most about this site?
    That you! are the person behind it. Also, your Photo Fridays, and your first-person accounts of your travels. I feel like you’re super honest with us–your readers and your friends–and I love that about your reviews and recaps.

    What feature could you live without?
    I’ve got nothing.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    Sometimes I can’t watch videos because of where I happen to be reading (work, my phone, etc. etc.), but I think videos can be amazing when done well.

    What would you like to see more of?
    A place one could easily find to see the places/trips/airlines/etc. you highly recommend (vs. those that you don’t; though to be honest I care less about what you don’t recommend, and more about what you do!).

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    I think you’re pretty fantastic, and you inspire me to be a more adventurous traveler. Also, I think you need to come to Portland and take pictures and write about it so I can finally give you the hug (and the tasty microbrews!) I’ve been hoarding just for you.

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    27, female, Seattle, Office Manager/Paralegal

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Did a lot of travel during study abroad and during college, but sadly don’t have as much free time anymore

    What do you like most about this site?
    I pretty much love it all! Nice mix of personal and travel topics, and posts are informative and just the right length usually.

    What feature could you live without?
    Nothing I can think of…

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Hit! I love the photos and the stories that go with them =)

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I usually read through Google Reader while I’m at work, so I don’t always have the opportunity to hear them. But, the ones I have seen have been good and I’d love to see more…I’ll just mark them unread and watch at home!

    What would you like to see more of?
    More information about the activities you do and the places you stay. Pricing would be nice, but then again it might just ruin my enjoyment of the photos lol…Oh and I love catching up with Kari and her adventures too!

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    Age: 32
    Sex: Female
    Location: Montana
    Profession: Telecommunications

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Travel domestic, some Int’l for work. Armchair traveler for now, two little ones at home

    What do you like most about this site?
    Very informative, you are a great writer and cover just enough to keep readers engaged. Love the photos and personal touch you add.

    What feature could you live without?

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Hit! Love!

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    Don’t watch many, just skim site most of the time and read as I am able.

    What would you like to see more of?
    More personal stories of activities you are able to partake in, or how you ended up going to the location in the first place (if you can give that detail out). You lead a very interesting life! Cost of things that you are doing, to give relavence. Fun site overall! One of my favorites!

  • June 29, 2010

    Wow, guys, this feedback is AWESOME. A lot of you guys have the same thoughts on things you want me to change–and things you want me to add, like pricing information, more service-y and buget travel pieces, tips, etc.–so I will try my hardest to implement all these in coming months.
    I’m compiling all this great info in a spreadsheet to use it when working on my redesign, so PLEASE, keep it coming! Y’all are amazing!

  • June 29, 2010

    I’m 27, recently moved to Denver and work in the Oil & Gas industry. My husband and I try to take one “big” (international) trip every year or so. I’m a daily armchair traveler. I lust over trips as much as I lust over shoes or handbags. My favorite feature of your site is Photo Friday and the occasional tidbits we get about your life when you aren’t traveling. It is cool to get to know the girl and how you live your life around all of the “business trips”. I don’t think you should nix anything but maybe add a page about trip reccommendations, favorite places, etc. I watch your videos…my favorite recent video was the one of you bungee jumping in New Zeland.

    I think you’re great and I often talk about you to my friends as if we were friends in real life. My sister who just graduated with an international studies degree is really tired of me saying “oh yeah you should visit *that place that Kristin posted about*…I’ll send you the link to her post”.
    Keep it up and Congrats on your nuptuals!

  • June 29, 2010

    15, Female, Pittsburgh, PA, Student

    Armchair traveler, at least for the time being.

    All of it, of course, but especially your hilarious happenings.

    I wouldn’t take anything anyway.

    Hit! Most definitely. I would suggest, like some others, that it nice to know when you went there and what the costs involved were.

    I usually watch the videos. If not when I check for updates, later.

    More frequent updates.

    Keep up the great blogging!

  • June 29, 2010

    28/Girl/Bay area/research scientist
    Currently, I am mostly an armchair traveler.
    I love all the photos and hearing about all the exciting places there are to visit in the world.
    I personally like all of your features.
    Please don’t get rid of photo Friday! I look forward to checking it out on my lunch break every week!
    I never watch the videos, but it doesn’t bother me if you post them.
    Things I would be interested in seeing/hearing more of: restaurants you really liked on your travels, hotels, things to do etc. More frequent updates and more information on your wedding!

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession? 25/F/CA/Therapist Intern

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler? I LOVE to travel!!

    What do you like most about this site? I love how you honestly show the good and bad of traveling everywhere-sometimes I feel like travel writing can glamorize unrealistically

    What feature could you live without? Nothing comes to mind

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss? HIT

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all? I love the video content-more would be nice

  • June 29, 2010

    23, Toronto, student.


    The travel photography and well-written articles. I feel like they’re written by a real person instead of just someone who is paid to write reviews on places. It definitely gives more credit to your recommendations and likes/dislikes.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss? Hit! I really like Photo Friday.

    Sometimes I’ll randomly watch a video. It would be nice if you could give a walking video tour of a cool market in Morrocco, for example, or a great activity to try.

    Love your site as it is, but I especially like when you do features on the hotels that you’ve stayed at. I really enjoy seeing and reading about the details of the hotels, and it gives me lots of ideas for where my next trip will be!

  • June 29, 2010

    >>>What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    Age 28, female, Washington, DC, analyst
    >>>Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Armchair traveler, unfortunately, and wishful globetrotter!
    >>> What do you like most about this site?
    The personal anecdotes interspersed with high quality photos. That and the obvious draw of getting to see what cool place you went to last! I think your blog has substance and I like your writing style.
    >>>What feature could you live without?
    Hmm. Maybe the videos? I haven’t watched any so far.
    >>>Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Hit, definitely.
    >>>Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    No, don’t watch them (see above). Maybe if I became a very regular reader I might start? Feel indifferent right now.
    >>>What would you like to see more of?
    Maybe a weekly “top 3 travel tips” or a “how-to” post of some sort? Or a “budget best deal of the week” post?
    >>>Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    Thanks for sharing and maintaining this cool blog!

  • June 29, 2010
    Mister Sister

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    21, Female, Knoxville, TN, Student on the weekdays/Superstar on the weekends

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    I like to think that the past 6 months have upgraded me to a globetrotter.

    What do you like most about this site?
    The girl who is behind the scenes of it all.

    What feature could you live without?
    Anything that doesn’t involve that adorable Luna family and their dogs.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Hit what?

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    I could watch more videos as long as you are in them good lookin’ 😉

    What would you like to see more of?
    That Kari girl. I just think she is the CUTEST thing ever.

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    Yes, I would like to inform you that you have stinky feet. I’m sorry but you said no matter how negative! Also, that monkey of a husband of yours needs to get his mullet back.

    Love ya!

  • June 29, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    – 31, female, Dallas, unemployed

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    -I’ve traveled a bit, but nothing close to you!

    What do you like most about this site?
    -It’s more like having a friend’s account of a trip, you talk about your expectations, if they’re met, exceeded, or if a place falls short. Some travel sites seem more like a guidebook (and can be very dry). I enjoy that your personality comes through, it seems like you enjoy what you’re doing and we get to hear about a fun trip, instead of just running through facts about a location.

    What feature could you live without?
    -I don’t feel like anything needs to be cut.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    -Hit, I love pictures.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    -I’m ambivalent. Generally I don’t watch videos, but I will on occasion if it seems like something you can’t capture in a picture (ie- the church services in Africa). But honestly, if you removed them I wouldn’t miss them (this goes for videos on any site, not just here), but they don’t bother me if you post them for other people, I’m capable of scrolling past…. I wasn’t joking about ambivalence!

    What would you like to see more of?
    -I love pictures, so if you’re going to add anything that would be my recommendation.

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    -I think the site is great, you’re one of the two blogs I read first. I can’t believe how much you kept up with posting while in the process of getting married/honeymooning- thanks! On that note, I think the personal pieces about traveling with your family, the wedding, etc. are fun, so I would keep those in. I like the colors on the blog, but I’m a girl. Don’t depersonalize it too much in an attempt to become gender neutral, that’s a lot of what I like about the site (your personality, not the pink and brown). Thanks for all the hard work, I really enjoy reading your blog!

  • June 30, 2010

    – I’m 30, female, and I live in London, England (although I am Irish), and I work as a development officer for a children’s charity
    – I’m slightly more a globetrotter than an armchair traveller (having just returned from a 6month trip!) but I don’t get to travel as often as I would like
    – I most like the personal anecdotes detailing your travels and life
    – There aren’t any features I don’t enjoy
    – Photo Friday is a hit; it’s a good way to show off good pics and little titbits about places you’ve been to
    – I’m not crazy about videos; I probably watch about 40% (of all videos on blogs, not yours in particular)
    – I’d occasionally love to see some source information; where in particular is good in any given place. I know alot of what you ‘discover ‘ is for the companies you write for, but that doesn’t stop me asking! How about travel tips, or must-sees in places you talk about?

  • June 30, 2010

    1. I am a 25 year old guy in Anchorage, Alaska. I work in the oil extraction field.
    2. Also a globetrotter, born in Europe and raised on three different continents. My parents have been to over 100 countries.
    3. The writing and stories are much more likable than travel sites because you have a chance to be personal.
    4. The pink. Bit embarassing when a family member or friend walks up when I’m reading this site. My mother thinks I like camel cupcakes. “YOU ON THAT ABSURD CUPCAKE SITE AGAIN??”
    5. It’s great, I love photos.
    6. The videos are great. Especially when your mother swears.
    7. I like when you post rendezvous with other bloggers. It’s like watching a walrus floss. Also, how about the old Surinamese apartment landlady story?

    I found this site through the Bloggie awards, I think. I had never seen a personal travel blog before, even though I hadn’t been especially looking. It was your hilarious stories and love of holidays that drew me in though. Thanks.

  • June 30, 2010

    I am 44 and female. I live at Lake Tahoe (Nevada side) and I am a mother and volunteer.

    Probably somewhere between globetrotter and armchair traveler. My family loves to travel and we try to take a couple of trips each year, although I wish we could afford to travel more often and further away. This year we are going to Alaska for 2 weeks (leaving in 2 days) which is one of our biggest trips ever.

    It lets me travel vicariously!

    I love it all!

    Photo Friday – a HIT for me! 🙂

    Video Content – sometimes watch, if I have time.

  • June 30, 2010

    I’m 25, female, currently in San Diego, CA for the summer, although I guess these days I live more or less permanently in the UK. Student/long-suffering waitress/writer.

    Globetrotter as in almost all my money is spent on travelling. For the past 7 years, I haven’t continuosly lived in one place for more than 6 months. Tiring, yes, but also addictive. I keep saying I’ll stop when I finish my studies…

    I check your site first and foremost for the travel content, but I like the fact that you have a personal touch and let your readers get to know you in some level. Blogs that are strictly business are boring! I enjoy reading about all the super exotic places you go to, but also really like your SF and TN stories – the latter one feeds my curiosity about small town America. Also like: for you to feature a place it doesn’t have to be on the other side of the world, sometimes you just write a place in CA that you visited for a day. AND you don’t sugar-coat your travels. AND you write about food – very, very important! Also, I really admire your ambition that has made travelling your career.

    Can’t think of anything that I dislike about the site.

    Keep Photo Friday! Your photos are great.

    I don’t really care about videos one way or another. Most of the time I watch them, especially if it’s about something that interests me. They can be a fun extra though!

    I would love it if you wrote a post about your favourite cities in the US. Or another US-related post, something along the lines of listing your favourite city/small town/beach/spot of gorgeous nature etc. Also, like someone already pointed out, bring back your Twitter feed!

    Thanks for sharing your adventures!

  • June 30, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    28, female, account manager, san francisco.
    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    globetrotter..but don’t travel as much as you! 🙂
    What do you like most about this site?
    all of it. i recommend your site to friends a LOT. because you have been everywhere! 🙂
    What feature could you live without?
    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    love it! i’d also love to see photos from other readers.
    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    i do!
    What would you like to see more of?
    can’t think of anything.
    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    your site is fantastic. i truly am serious that i recommend it to everyone i know.

  • June 30, 2010

    I am a 24 year old woman living in Alabama. I am currently working in the Human Resources field.

    I am an armchair traveler. My husband and I are not big travelers outside of the U.S.

    What do you like most about this site? The pictures!

    What feature could you live without? I can’t really think of anything right now.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss? BIG hit. I love photo Friday.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all? I don’t really watch the videos much. I am usually blocked at work and then I can’t bring myself to get back on the computer once I am at home.

    What would you like to see more of? I want to hear more details from the wedding!

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated! I think you do a great job!

  • June 30, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession? I am 44, female, in Redmond, WA, disabled – now I volunteer at the local hospital on an inpatient oncology council, to make things better for future cancer patients.

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler? I just got back from South Africa (safari at Balule Reserve and then 8 days in Cape Town) and am planning a trip to Italy, as my health allows. I wish I could travel more, but health issues prevent a lot of things.

    What do you like most about this site? Your spirit of adventure and fearlessness. The photography is also inviting my imagination to go where you have. Your honest assessments of your surroundings (good, bad or spitting cobras) make the reader trust your entries.

    What feature could you live without? I enjoy your posts, so I cannot think of anyhting off hand.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss? Hit.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all? Don’t usually watch videos on blogs.

    What would you like to see more of? I enjoyed your sister’s adventures. So, maybe other traveler’s posts would give you a break and would satisfy the readers need for adventure.

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated! Not yet.

  • July 1, 2010

    Here ya go, don’t envy your sifting through all these stats!

    21-year old TN girl. Freelance publicist/college student

    Globetrotter! Pretty much just Eastern Europe though. 6 countries so far, with 4 new ones coming up this summer.

    I really enjoy your humor and your mix of travel blogging and personal blogging.

    I wish I could read the site in my Google reader, instead of having to click-through.

    Photo Fridays=Awesomenessssss

    Never watch the videos. The pages would probably load faster if you didn’t post them.

    Think you’re doing a pretty good job.

  • July 1, 2010
    Briel K.

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession? 31, Female, Los Angeles, Administrative Assistant and Pet Sitter

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler? I just returned from my first trip overseas. I went to London, Wales, Paris, Venice, Rome, Florence, and Cinque Terre. I’ve also been to various cities in the US and a couple places in Mexico!

    What do you like most about this site? The travel stories.

    What feature could you live without? There’s nothing I can think of.

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss? Hit.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all? I like videos and would watch them. I prefer photos more though.

    What would you like to see more of? I saw someone mention that other people’s travel stories would be cool to read about and I think that’s a neat suggestion!

  • July 2, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    27, female, Columbus, OH, technical editor
    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    attempting globetrotter, but nowhere near your level. ; )
    What do you like most about this site?
    stories/pics from travels
    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    don’t really care either way
    What would you like to see more of?
    i love your personal (nontravel) stories – wedding, wedding! i also second whomever mentioned more inside-the-US travel stories/recommendations – it’s more what my budget can afford these days!
    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!

  • July 2, 2010

    Im 29 a year old woman who lives in Stavanger, Norway. I’m American, just married a noggi.

    I’m a trotter of the globe as well, Ive lived in several other countries (met my now husband while living and working in Cairo, Egypt). And take lots of trips out and about every year.

    I like photo fridays, sometimes it’s nice to just look at pictures….

    Your website is a nice balance of personal and travel. I can’t think of anything I’d like to see more of or less of…..
    cheers! Oh and the wedding pictures are fabulous!

  • July 3, 2010
    Haidang Nguyen

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    20, Male, Los Angeles, Student

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?

    What do you like most about this site?
    pictures, recap on adventures, recap on experiences, personal stories, personal thoughts, traveling tips and advice, videos

    What feature could you live without?
    nothing. the site’s perfect because it’s YOU

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    HIT. should have it EVERYDAY. TGIF everyday?

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    Yes i watch it! And i send it to friends/family! yes! please post more! more more more. videos > pictures > words

    What would you like to see more of?
    more pictures! more videos! more personal stories! just be yourself, we read your blog b/c we like YOU. no need to portray yourself in a marketing manner

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    Although it’s understandable, I dont like how you hold your adventures back and only update us a once a week (ie Photo Friday). I am just impatient ;P but I am dying to hear more about all the countries you visited, more adventure story telling recaping experiences. Still waiting (trying “patiently”! :P) on stories/recap/photos from Dubai, UAE, more of SA, and more about the Honeymoon! Cant wait! : ) Keep on posting and writing! : ) [also, your recap on other countries are really good. are there more? i am sure there is!] more more more is the take home message. your readers are greedy

  • August 14, 2010

    What’s your…age? Sex? Location? Profession?
    33, female, Bangkok Thailand (originally from Australia). Teacher librarian.

    Are you a fellow globetrotter or an armchair traveler?
    Globetrotter!! – It’s one of the reasons I live in Thailand 🙂

    What do you like most about this site?
    Your writing style- the honesty and humour. Information about destinations, airports, luggage etc (comes in handy for my own travel experiences).

    What feature could you live without?
    Just all the pink. I think a stronger colour would suit you better 🙂

    Photo Friday: a hit or miss?
    Hit! Love regular features.

    Video Content: Do you even watch them? Would you like me to post more? Or not at all?
    Mostly watch. Keep them!

    What would you like to see more of?
    Guest bloggers are always a good way to discover new talents.

    Any other feedback—no matter how positive or negative—is greatly appreciated!
    Love the site, am a regular reader. So great to see such entertaining and informative travel writing from a strong female.

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